How to Prevent Mold in Grow Room?

Mold is a significant problem for many cannabis cultivators. It can quickly cause problems in how your plants grow, how much yield you get from them, and how much money it costs to keep the mold under control. PREAIR will show you the symptoms of different kinds of molds and discuss how to prevent mold in the cannabis grow rooms.

Molds in Cannabis

What is Mold in Cannabis?

Mold is a type of fungus that can grow on any organic substance. It grows in multicellular filaments, and there are several different types of fungi species. It generally appears fuzzy as a black, green, or white powder and can cause significant problems for your plants if it is not under control.


Common Types of Mold in Cannabis

Bud Rot – This affects the buds, aka Botrytis

Root Rot – This affects the roots, aka Fusarium Oxysporum

Powdery Mildew – This affects the leaves aka Golovinomyces Orontii


Identifying Molds In Cannabis

1.Botrytis Cinerea (Bud Rot)

Commercial cannabis growers are likely to encounter Botrytis, a common fungus that can cause extensive damage to crops. The symptoms of Botrytis infection in cannabis plants are:

Gray, fuzzy mold growing on stems or flowers.

Brown lesions on the stem, which can lead to plant death.

Buds that are covered in a grayish fuzz and have a wet appearance.

If you see any of these symptoms, it is essential to take action immediately. The fungus can spread quickly and cause significant damage to your yields and plants.


2. Aspergillus

Aspergillus is another common fungus for commercial cultivators that encounter cannabis grow rooms and in buds. The symptoms of Aspergillus infection in cannabis plants are:

Brown, circular lesions on the leaves.

Dark brown spots form around more prominent veins of the leaf.

White, cottony growth on the underside of leaves.

If you see any of these symptoms, it is vital to take action immediately. Aspergillus can spread quickly and cause significant damage to your yields and plants.


3. Powdery Mildew

Powdery mildew is one of the most common problems commercial cultivators deal with when growing cannabis. The symptoms of powdery mildew infection are:

White powdery substance on leaves and buds, looking like a layer of talcum powder.

If you see any of these symptoms, it is essential to take action immediately. Powdery mildew can spread quickly and cause significant damage to your yields and plants.

Prevent Mold in Your Cannabis Grow Room

Air Circulation System

The number one way to prevent mold in your cannabis grow room is to have a proper air circulation system. Proper air circulation means that the air should be constantly moving and not stagnant. Fans are a great way to achieve this, and you should have fans blowing in all directions (including up). In addition, make sure that your exhaust fan is powerful enough to expel all of the hot air from your grow room. Finally, if you have an HVAC system in your grow room, make sure it is properly sealed and insulated.


Humidity Control

Another way to prevent mold in your cannabis grow room is to keep the humidity levels under control. The ideal humidity level for cannabis cultivation is between 40-50%. You can achieve this by using an industrial dehumidifier grow room or running an air conditioner. When taking clones and transferring plants, be sure to do it quickly so that humidity does not get out of control in your grow room!


Air Pruning

One last tip for how to prevent mold in your cannabis grow room is something called “air pruning”. Air pruning means that you will be removing the bottom leaves of your plants so that the air can circulate better. In addition, it helps increase yields because the plant is not wasting energy on growing leaves that will be removed!


PREAIR hopes these tips have been helpful for how to prevent mold in your cannabis grow room. Remember, prevention is always easier than trying to fix a problem already there!

Post time: Apr-23-2024
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